Monday, April 10, 2006

Part 1 - A collection of Quotes, One-Liners, Dialogs, Thoughts, Proverbs, Sayings....

Part 1 - A collection of Quotes, One-Liners, Dialogs, Thoughts, Proverbs, Sayings....

"Depend upon it, there comes a time when, for every addition of knowledge, you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones."
-Sherlock Holmes in 'A Study in Scarlet'


Creativity is just an extension of yourself; Push the limits of the Cosmos; Find yourself!


"Pray as if everything depended upon God and work as if everything depended upon man."


James Rainey
Design Intervention
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots.
So far, the Universe is winning."
- Rich Cook


Smoking helps you lose weight -- one lung at a time!


"Work like you don't need the money,
love like you've never been hurt and
dance like you do when nobody's watching."


A rich person is not the one has the most, but is one who needs the least.


"Enough bunkers! Enough of the perfection of differences! We ought to be building bridges."
-- Todd Gitlin, The Twilight of Common Dreams, 1995.


An obstacle is something you see when you take your eyes off the goal.


"solving a problem is not a case of finding a solution, it is a case of finding a set of easier problems that you already know how to solve."


"Do not worry about whether or not the sun will rise. Be prepared to enjoy it."
Author Unknown


"This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love; the more they give, the more they possess."
Rainer Maria Rilke
German Poet, 1875-1926


The only dumb question is one that you don't ask


Just like programming, it takes loads of syntax to ask a question!


When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.
-- William Arthur Ward


Don't focus on the days when you failed. Focus on all of the days when you won. Keep a chart, monitor your successes, and don't give up!
-- Robert Butterworth


I have found in work that you only get back what you put into it, but it does come back gift-wrapped.
-- Dr. Joyce Brothers


Success isn't something you chase. It's something you have to put forth the effort for constantly. Then maybe it'll come when you least expect it. Most people don't understand that.
-- Michael Jordan


A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
-- Winston Churchill


"all the talk talk about about keeps you from the work work"
- mike tyler


If you need to pound a nail, use a hammer.
If you need to make a hole, use a drill.
If you need to tighten a nut, use a wrench.

A hammer isn't "better" than a wrench. How you frame a question has as much to do with the answer as "the answer". Don't let your detractors define the argument for you.


People are often overconfident concerning the usefulness and accuracy of their own knowledge and information, and those people often communicate more extreme opinions.
-- Anat Admati


Computers do what they are told, not what you want.


"If you play a wrong note, play it again twice as loud and everyone will think you did it on purpose the first time."
-Thelonious Monk


"As long as you're green, you're growing. When you get ripe, you start to rot."


It only took Armstrong, Collins, and Aldrin 3 days to get to the moon. But they spent 5 years preparing.
-Kerry Thompson advising to a newbie in Lingo forums.


Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival

- W. Edwards Deming


I wrote on my heart
Love knocked and said
I enter everywhere.


Thought for the day: Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.


Anything less than extraordinary is not acceptable to me.
- Dlg from the movie - "Dream of an insomniac"


"Why is the moon more important than the sun?"
"Because we need the light more at night!"
-- Nasredin


Trust that still, small voice that says, "This might work and I'll try it."


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't listen


I disapprove of what you say but I'll defend you till death


You may not like my personality, but at least I got one


Why tourture yourself, when life does it for you


"The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return" - Moulin Rouge.


In Life U Love The One Whom U Can Never Have


A kiss is just a kiss til you find the one you love, a hug is just a hug til it’s the one you are thinking of, a dream is just a dream til you make it come true, love is just a word til it’s proven to you


When you think the World has turned it's back on you, turn around, you most likely turned your back on the World



dreamy said...

Hey those were some real good ones!!

Sandy said...

Thanks! :)