Saturday, August 09, 2008

Global Climate Change - Glecosys initiative

Guys - 

I have been reading quite a lot about Global Climate Change, Global Warming, Greenhouse Effect, Carbon emission and such. I have realized that the problem is real and we all are responsible for it. Its high time everyone understands this problem in detail and takes measure to arrest the rising greenhouse gases (CO2) emission. If not done its highly probable that the next few generations would not be able to enjoy the kind of life we experience on this beautiful planet. 

I would recommend everyone to take some time out and go through the article present on the link below - 

As part of my company CrediPoint Solutions, we have started a new initiative by launching a site on Global Climate Change awareness called Glecosys (acronym for GLobal ECOSYStem). The site has lots of animations, courses, articles, and links on Global Climate Change developed by CrediPoint Solutions. 

Course on Global Climate Change:

Animation on Enhanced Greenhouse Effect:

Animation on Carbon Cycle:

Increase your understanding, take preventive steps, share knowledge, educate others, spread the word and become a responsible citizen of the planet. 

Sandeep Khomne


Anonymous said...

Good words.

Adriane Slaton said...

Is there an updated website? These links are not working. -Thanks!